3127 Transworld Dr. Ste 100 Stockton, CA 95206
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 5 pm
For Resources dial 2-1-1 or visit 211sj.org
3127 Transworld Dr. Ste 100 Stockton, CA 95206
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 5 pm
For Resources dial 2-1-1 or visit 211sj.org

Trainings + Workshops

ECE Workforce Registry

The California ECE Workforce Registry is a state, regional and local collaboration designed to track and promote the education, training, and experience of the early care and education workforce for the purpose of improving professionalism and workforce quality to positively impact children.


Effective September 7, 2017, you must obtain a personalized Early Care and Education Workforce Registry number prior to attending workshops.

Still Need Help?

Watch the video's below in English and Spanish to assist you in registering for your Workforce Registry number.

Drama Play

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
FRC Transworld
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Registration & Attendance Guidelines

Online workshop registration is available for FRC workshops only. Courses offered by agencies other than FRC provide registration information on the course description page.

For all FRC workshops and trainings, the following applies:

  • To be eligible to attend some workshops, participants may be required to be enrolled in specific projects, live within certain school boundaries, or be licensed or non-licensed, and this is noted in the workshop summary description.  
  • So that participants may benefit fully from the information being presented, we request that children do not attend. If a special workshop is designed to have children present, that information will be available at the time of registration.
  • A waiting list may be available the day of the workshop for non-registered students.  Admittance will be based on available seats on a first-come, first-served basis once all pre-registered attendees have arrived.
FRC is not responsible for any incomplete or inaccurate information provided by the agencies that use the Early Care & Education Workforce Registry (caregistry.org) to post their workshops/trainings.