We’re all about building stronger families through our Home Visitation programs. FamilyWORKs has continued to meet with families virtually throughout the pandemic-connecting parents with community resources and support for their young children.
Parents in the FamilyWORKs program had a goal to start attending college. One of our parent participants was nervous about starting college because without a laptop, she was unable to do computer work and attend any virtual classes. Due to Laptops 4 Life Program, FamilyWORKs was able to provide laptops for program participants. After being provided a laptop, the parent enrolled in college and is now taking on-line classes. For another FamilyWORKs participant, the parent’s goal was to obtain employment. The parent struggled with completing applications and needed more computer access to apply for jobs on-line. After being provided a laptop, the parent applied for jobs on-line and was recently hired at Amazon.
Our Virtual Home Visitation Teams are here to provide concrete support for families and children in our community. FamilyWORKs services are offered through a variety of virtual platforms and are available to you in the comfort and safety of your own home! For more information, contact a FamilyWORKs Outreach/Enrollment Specialist at (209) 244-0135.