3127 Transworld Dr. Ste 100 Stockton, CA 95206
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 5 pm
For Resources dial 2-1-1 or visit 211sj.org
3127 Transworld Dr. Ste 100 Stockton, CA 95206
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 5 pm
For Resources dial 2-1-1 or visit 211sj.org

Saturday, May 17th

Being a parent is hard.
So we made finding great
child care easy.

Child care made easy.
Because parenting is hard.

Kids will be kids.
So we made
finding great
child care easy.

Sometimes things get messy.
So we made finding
great child care easy.

Kids will be kids.
So we made finding
great child care easy.

Provider Information

High quality child care sets the foundation for children to thrive in school and in life.

Help Starts Here 211

211 is a local service connecting thousands of people to resources needed.

Parent Help Center

It’s difficult to be a parent, we’re here to assist you with your goals.

Trainings and Workshops

Workshops and trainings are offered to enhance the quality of care for children.

Our Mission:

Family Resource Center strengthens the lives of children, families, and communities.


# of balanced meals served to children through CACFP Food Program


Funds reimbursed to San Joaquin County Child Care Providers


Total child care referrals helping parents and guardians find quality, affordable child care


# of children being served in our subsidized child care programs throughout San Joaquin County

Numbers based on 2023-2024 annual report.

Check Out The 2023-2024 Annual Report Snapshot


Updates, News, & Events

Check in with us for all upcoming events, trainings, workshops and news around the Family Resource Center. 

Glad We Could Help..

The stories are real; the names have been changed to maintain confidentiality.
~ Your committed quality partner
  • As a single mother childcare is imperative to my success in providing for my children. I was in a position where I couldn’t afford childcare and was not able to afford private childcare. FRC was able to give me the help that I needed l, and fast. I’m grateful for that.

  • They are always there for children and families, friendly and helpful. I appreciate all the work they do and the help they provide for the providers as well as the families.

  • First and foremost, I would like to say thank you to all the wonderful staff at FRC. It has been an honor and a privilege to be a client with all of you. It saddens me, but at the same time makes me happy, to no longer need FRC’s help to [provide child] care for my child. My daughter is now of school age and I have been a client practically since she was born. I have had an opportunity to go many places with the help that I have received from FRC. Without this help, I may have never been able to maintain my job. I want to say thank you to the office staff for all the times you helped me, and to all my workers for your patience and your openness and willingness to help me as a client. I want to say that you are all awesome.

  • I just wanted to tell you thank you for everything you have done for me and my daughter. Being a single parent sometimes is hard. I don’t know what I would be doing right now if it wasn’t for your staff that care so much about kids, especially my daughter. I have come a long way thanks to your program. Thank you for caring.

  • I received your package for the recertification and… I am receiving full nursing care for my son. This program allows Kenny to come home and be in his own space instead of the day care center… I have to say I am forever in your gratitude for all the help you and your center have offered and provided to my son… You and your entire staff were very professional and helpful in filling out all the paperwork to enroll in your program. We will never forget the help we have received from you… and I can say your assistance and understanding has given comfort to us during our time of need. Thank you all.

    Parent and Provider
  • Family Resource has helped me with the childcare services I needed to go to work and provide for my family.


Or call now 1-800-436-9997

How Can Access to Quality Child Care Help You?

Brittny shares part of her journey as a single parent and seeking resources here at FRC.

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